
This is a Republic, not a Democracy. Let's keep it that way!

Archive for the ‘People’ Category

None Dare Call It Conspiracy – Resource Post

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None Dare Call It Conspiracy was a book written in the early 1970’s by Gary Allen with Larry Abraham. The forward was written by Congressman John G Schmitz.

Gary also toured the country delivering speeches and promoting this book. The book is said to have sold over 5 million copies. It is as relevent today as it was the day it was published. In fact, the more startling and fantastic elements of the book have born out over time. So, one could say it was ahead of its day and proven by time to be very reliable.

I have posted an audio of one of his speaking engagements on my youtube channel. I link to it below as well as an online links to the book in various formats.

Resource: [Read Online][PDF][EPUB][Kindle][Daisy][Full Text][DjVu]

Chapter 2 Discusses the Federal Reserve System. I recommend G Edward Griffin’s “The Creature From Jekyll Island” as the premier work on this subject. Here is his book tour lecture.

Gary Allen discusses the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The premier work on this subject is “Shadows of Power” by James Perloff.

Another good resource is The Insiders  by John F McManus.

Written by federalexpression

September 4, 2012 at 3:17 pm

Replacing Medicaid With Real Charity

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Come hear Dr. Alieta Eck talk about replacing Medicaid with genuine charity. She and her husband operate a free clinic through their church that reaches some 400 or so patients a month. They take no government assistance.

It will become increasingly more important for neighbors to take up genuine charity as the financial condition of our communities, states and federal government continue to head south.

Download The Flyer and Visit Zarephath Health Center Online

Written by federalexpression

August 18, 2012 at 8:58 pm

Paul Ryan has the record of an Interventionist, Neo-Conservative War Monger

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Apparently, Representative Ryan never met a War he didn’t like. He is on record in favor of all the foreign intervention of the Bush and Obama administrations. He approves of the president using our military and our sons and daughters as a personal play-toy.  Furthermore, he refuses to support measures which bring the president to accountability, or cut funding when executive powers are abused. Most disgustingly, he favors the policy of Congress passing the prerogative of war to the President, thereby shirking the constitutional duty of the Congress to declare war. I can think of no more cowardly attitude then one who votes in support of offensive war, yet lacks the courage to go on record and actually Declare a State of War. Is this the type of leadership Americans want?

Paul Ryan on International Intervention, War, and Presidential Offensive Force:

Kosovo and East Timor
Paul Ryan supported military activity in Kosovo and East Timor. In the 106th Congress he refused his consent to remove troops from the Kosovo conflict (HCR 82). Furthermore, he refused DEA Funding cuts that would have halted funding for military construction outside the U.S. and would have ended funding for military operations in Kosovo and East Timor, unless the funds were used to bring the troops home. In fairness, he voted in opposition to HCR 42, the original authorization for peacekeeping operations in Kosovo and voted twice to restrict the conflict to air operations by requiring congressional approval before ground forces could be deployed. Furthermore, he rufused consent to air operations, but the attacks were already ongoing at the time. It appears as though he went on record in opposition but refused to halt the operations once they began but also refused supplemental funding that could have expanded operations. He walked a fine line. Voting not to end the conflict and not to expand it.

In the 107th Congress, Paul Ryan approved War Authorization Against Iraq. This joint resolution (House Joint Resolution 114) authorized the president “to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to — (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq. and (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq.” Furthermore, he approved Supplemental Spending for Iraq & Afghanistan. This was H.R. 3289 to appropriate $87.5 billion in supplemental fiscal 2004 spending for military operations and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan. In the 110th he opposed the Iraq Troop Withdrawal. This bill, HR 2237,  was to withdraw U.S. troops and Defense Department contractors from Iraq.

Paul Ryan appears open to an Iran Military Operation. In the 109th Congress, he opposed an amendment to the 2007 Defense Appropriations Bill that sought to bar any funds to initiate military operations in Iran unless it is in accordance with Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, which delegates to Congress alone the power to declare war. Once again in the 110th Congress, he opposed an amendment to the 2008 Defense Appropriations Bill that would have required President Bush to get specific congressional authorization before engaging in military operations in Iran.

Rep Ryan opposed HCR 248 To Withdraw U.S. Soldiers From Afghanistan. This legislation (House Concurrent Resolution 248) would have directed the President to remove the U.S. Armed Forces from Afghanistan within 30 days of enactment, or by the end of the year if the President determined they cannot be safely removed sooner.

Rep Paul Ryan opposed Libya Troop Withdrawal. House Concurrent Resolution 51 would have directed President Obama, “pursuant to … the War Powers Resolution, to remove the United States Armed Forces from Libya.” He also opposed an amendment to prohibit the use of funds in the Defense Appropriations Bill to carry out military actions against Libya unless Congress declares war against Libya.

Written by federalexpression

August 15, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Paul Ryan: Budget Hawk? No. Internationalist? Yes.

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I found ten votes in the 112th Congress that illustrates that Paul Ryan is far from the “Budget Hawk” the corporate media would have you think he is.  His votes illustrate support for a party agenda that is not American and is not popular among his constituents. He votes to strengthen international institutions while attacking our Bill of Rights, blurring the separation of powers defined in the Constitution and hindering our economy.

Furthermore, these votes lead me to believe he is a Neo-Conservative International Interventionist reminiscent of the Bush regime:

Hon. Paul Ryan
WI 1st District
My Grade
1 Amendment to HR 1: Restrict United Nations Funding Internationalism
Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) offered an amendment to HR 1 (an appropriations bill) that would have prohibited any funding in the bill from being used to pay dues to the United Nations. The House rejected Broun’s amendment and so did Rep Paul Ryan. X
2 Patriot Act Extension (S 990) Attacks Bill of Rights
A four year extension of three separate provisions of the Patriot Act that were set to expire: The “Roving Wiretap” is a provision that allows your federal government to snoop on any number to phone and internet lines without specifying what lines will be tapped and what they expect to find. The “Financial Records” provision allows asset seizure during investigations. The “Lone Wolf” provision allows spying on non-citizens without a warrant. These provisions violate the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which requires that no warrants be issued “but upon probable cause” and that warrants must contain language “particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” Ryan approved these extensions. In essence, the Patriot Act’s provisions undermine the 4th Amendment by allowing Federal Law Enforcement to go on reckless “Fishing Expeditions”. X
3 HCR 51 “The Libya Troop Withdrawal” Separation of Powers
According to the Constitution, Congress holds the power to declare war. This power was watered-down with “The War Powers Act” many congresses ago. According to the War Powers Act, the President cannot engage the Armed Forces for more than 60 days without Congressional Approval. HCR 51 “The Libya Troop Withdrawal” sought to force our President to either seek approval or end the troop deployment in Syria. The Obama Administration consulted with the UN, the Arab League, and the African Union while it snubbed our Congress. The measure was rejected by congress and Hon. Paul Ryan. The war continues. X
4 Amendment to the Defense Appropriations Bill Internationalism
Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH.) offered an amendment to the defense appropriations bill that would have prohibited any funding in the bill from being used to wage war in Libya without a Congressional declaration of War. The House rejected the measure on July 8, 2011 and Paul Ryan voted in opposition. X
5 S. 365: The Debt Deal Attacks The Economy
Mr. Ryan approved the Debt Deal. This legislation (S. 365) provided for an immediate $400 billion increase in the national debt limit, while allowing the President to raise the ceiling an additional $500 billion unless Congress passed a resolution of disapproval. In his favor, he did follow this vote with a subsequent disapproval when the President attempted to grab more of your dollars. It is important to mention that this deal involved future cuts over 10 years but there is no constitutional process which could prevent future congresses from discarding those proposals. It was a typical face-saving, “toss-it-over-the-fence” measure. It guaranteed more spending at a time when the pressure to cut spending had never been more intense. X
6 H.R. 3080: South Korea Trade Agreement Internationalism
Apparently Paul Ryan doesn’t think NAFTA has done enough damage to our economy. He jumped all over the “South Korea Trade Agreement”. Another in a series of “free-trade agreements” intended to transfer the power to regulate trade (and eventually other powers too) to super-national arrangements. NAFTA is a prime example of such an arrangement. The House passed H.R. 3080. Mr. Ryan approved. X
7 H.R. 2055: Omnibus Appropriations package Attacks The Economy
Rep Ryan approved the Omnibus Appropriations package (H.R. 2055), which provided $915 billion in spending. Passage of this mammoth appropriations bill in light of the ongoing trillion-dollar annual deficits is fiscally irresponsible. How will Congress cut spending if they do not dissect these funding measures and handle them separately? X
8 H.R. 3521: Line-item Veto Separation of Powers
Mr. Ryan had no problem with approving a Line-item Veto (H.R. 3521) which would allow the President to rescind all or part of any dollar amount of funding for discretionary spending items in enacted appropriations bills. This bill dramatically and unilaterally enhances the power of the executive branch. Article I, Section 1 and Article I, Section 7, Clauses 2 and 3, of the U.S. Constitution vest Congress with all legislative powers. This bill attempts to shift legislative power away from Congress and to the President. It violates the constitutionally defined separation of powers. The Supreme Court already found a similar proposal unconstitutional during the Clinton Administration. Mr. Ryan should know that altering the Constitution requires an amendment process. A simple legislative act is insufficient. X
9 H.R. 3523: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) Attacks Bill of Rights
Mr. Ryan approved the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). This bill (H.R. 3523) protects businesses from lawsuits regarding the sharing of their customers’ private information with the government. This is obviously an attempt to circumvent the 4th Amendments protection to be secure in your persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. After all, if a warrant were issued upon probable cause and supported under oath, these businesses would be protected from lawsuits based upon the fact that the data was subpoenaed by the court. This bill seeks to circumvent the court process and the protection clause is an attempt to remove an obstacle to participation by private business. X
10 H.R. 4310: The National Defense Authorization Act Attacks Bill of Rights
The National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) is so sweeping that American citizens accused of being terrorists can be detained by the U.S. military and held indefinitely without habeas corpus and without even being tried and found guilty in a court of law. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) offered an amendment to strike this language from the bill, but the House rejected Smith’s amendment and so did Rep Paul Ryan. X


Written by federalexpression

August 14, 2012 at 1:53 am

From Major Jordan’s Diaries

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Many thanks to WhatReallyHappened.com for picking up my youtube video “From Major Jordan’s Diary” which is really an audio file with a few splash pages. Their post is here. And thanks also to Charleston Voice (Bill Rummel) for linking in as well. I loaded this audio because I consider it to be a first-hand historical account of a World War II event that is skimmed over in favor of the alluring accounts of true American Patriotic heroism on the battle field. Don’t get me wrong, I love those gripping tales and I highly recommend the “Band of Brothers Series” for those of you who also enjoy them.

Since this video was added to their news collating service I have had a steady uptick in hits on this video and thought it prudent to provide a link to the pdf and html formats of Major Jordan’s Diary. The pdf is provided by articbeacon.com and I link to it below. The html appears to be an extract from Nexus Magazine. For those of you who have heard the speech delivered by Major Jordan on my youtube channel and have followed this link for more information, see the reference links below.

 Many Thanks
to The Reality Zone for Capturing this Lecture so long ago.
to The John Birch Society Chapters in California for hosting this speaking engagement in 1963.
to G. Edward Griffin for his concise and professional narration and introductory comments.
to WhatReallyHappened.com for publicizing this important youtube video/audio track.
to “Karen A.” for transcribing the Book
to Bill Rummel whom I suspect had a great deal to do with advancing this story.
to Western Islands (A JBS Publishing Company) for Publishing the Diary after it went out of print the first time.

Honorable Mention:
Thanks fromthetrenchesworldreport who also pickedup this youtube video on their site in December 2014.

Reference: The Book: From Major Jordan’s Diary by Major George Racey Jordan Pdf html

Written by federalexpression

August 11, 2012 at 3:44 am

Hon Mike Fitzpatrick: Whose Interests Do You Serve?

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I found a dozen reasons to question the loyalty of Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick to the U.S. Constitution and the constituents he is obliged to serve. Is our representative ignorant of the US Constitution? What part of “Congress shall make no law…” does this man not understand? Perhaps he thinks we do not understand and would prefer to serve other, more lucrative interests? Perhaps he is unwilling to combat the existing compromised leadership of his party? Whatever the case may be, this is his second time in Washington and it appears he has learned nothing from his first miserable term.  Here is my Report:

Hon. Mike Fitzpatrick
PA 8th District
  My Grade
1 HCR 51 “The Libya Troop Withdrawal”   Separation of Powers
According to the Constitution, Congress holds the power to declare war. This power was watered-down with “The War Powers Act” many congresses ago. According to the War Powers Act, the President cannot engage the Armed Forces for more than 60 days without Congressional Approval. HCR 51 “The Libya Troop Withdrawal” sought to force our President to either seek approval or end the troop deployment in Syria. The Obama Administration consulted with the UN, the Arab League, and the African Union while it snubbed our Congress. The measure was rejected by congress and Hon. Mike Fitzpatrick. The war continues.   X
2 Amendment to HR 1: Restrict United Nations Funding   Internationalism
Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) offered an amendment to HR 1 (an appropriations bill) that would have prohibited any funding in the bill from being used to pay dues to the United Nations. The House rejected Broun’s amendment and so did Rep Mike Fitzpatrick.   X
3 S. 365: The Debt Deal   Attacks The Economy
Mr. Fitzpatrick approved the Debt Deal. This legislation (S. 365) provided for an immediate $400 billion increase in the national debt limit, while allowing the President to raise the ceiling an additional $500 billion unless Congress passed a resolution of disapproval. In his favor, he did follow this vote with a subsequent disapproval when the President attempted to grab more of your dollars. It is important to mention that this deal involved future cuts over 10 years but there is no constitutional process which could prevent future congresses from discarding those proposals. It was a typical face-saving, “toss-it-over-the-fence” measure. It guaranteed more spending at a time when the pressure to cut spending had never been more intense.   X
4 H.R. 2587: The Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act   Attacks The Economy
Representative Tim Scott (R-S.C.) introduced H.R. 2587, the Protecting Jobs From Government Interference Act, “To prohibit the National Labor Relations Board from ordering any employer to close, relocate, or transfer employment under any circumstance.” The House passed H.R. 2587. Mike Fitzpatrick disapproved this measure. Does he not understand that the federal government has no constitutional authority to order a company to reinstate production or make certain investments at a given location, or to block a company’s decision to relocate production? Perhaps Mike has friends in organized labor?   X
5 H.R. 3080: South Korea Trade Agreement   Internationalism
Apparently Mike Fitzpatrick doesn’t think NAFTA has done enough damage to our economy. He jumped all over the “South Korea Trade Agreement”. Another in a series of “free-trade agreements” intended to transfer the power to regulate trade (and eventually other powers too) to super-national arrangements. NAFTA is a prime example of such an arrangement. The House passed H.R. 3080. Mr. Fitzpatrick approved.   X
6 H.R. 2112: “minibus” bill   Attacks The Economy
Mike Fitzpatrick also voted for the so-called “minibus” bill (H.R. 2112) which appropriated funds to be spent on housing programs, food programs and farm subsidies. The Agricultural piece of this bill alone cost approx. 150 billion dollars. 99 billion of which was earmarked for food and nutrition programs.   X
7 H.R. 2055: Omnibus Appropriations package   Attacks The Economy
Rep Fitzpatrick approved the Omnibus Appropriations package (H.R. 2055), which provided $915 billion in spending. Passage of this mammoth appropriations bill in light of the ongoing trillion-dollar annual deficits is fiscally irresponsible. How will Congress cut spending if they do not dissect these funding measures and handle them separately?   X
8 H.R. 3521: Line-item Veto   Separation of Powers
Mr. Fitzpatrick had no problem with approving a Line-item Veto (H.R. 3521) which would allow the President to rescind all or part of any dollar amount of funding for discretionary spending items in enacted appropriations bills. This bill dramatically and unilaterally enhances the power of the executive branch. Article I, Section 1 and Article I, Section 7, Clauses 2 and 3, of the U.S. Constitution vest Congress with all legislative powers. This bill attempts to shift legislative power away from Congress and to the President. It violates the constitutionally defined separation of powers. The Supreme Court already found a similar proposal unconstitutional during the Clinton Administration. Mr. Fitzpatrick should know that altering the Constitution requires an amendment process. A simple legislative act is insufficient.   X
9 H.R. 3523: Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA)   Attacks Bill of Rights
Mr. Fitzpatrick approved the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). This bill (H.R. 3523) protects businesses from lawsuits regarding the sharing of their customers’ private information with the government. This is obviously an attempt to circumvent the 4th Amendments protection to be secure in your persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. After all, if a warrant were issued upon probable cause and supported under oath, these businesses would be protected from lawsuits based upon the fact that the data was subpoenaed by the court. This bill seeks to circumvent the court process and the protection clause is an attempt to remove an obstacle to participation by private business.   X
10 H.R. 2072: U.S. Export-Import Bank Re-Authorization   Attacks The Economy
Mr. Fitzpatrick reauthorized the U.S. Export-Import Bank (H.R. 2072) for two years and increased the agency’s lending cap from $100 billion to $140 billion. The bank issues loans and loan guarantees to foreign governments or companies for the purchase of U.S. products. This grants authority to risk taxpayers’ money to provide loans and terms that the private sector considers too risky to provide. This is corporate welfare and the taxpayers will get stuck holding the bag if the Export-Import bank defaults.   X
11 Amendment to H.R. 5326: Restrict Funding For “The National Ocean Policy”   Attacks The Economy
Rep. Bill Flores (R-Texas) offered an amendment to an appropriations bill (H.R. 5326) that would bar the use of funds in the bill to implement an executive order signed by President Obama in July 2010 calling for a national ocean policy. Rep. Flores is on record as stating: “The National Ocean Policy was formed without congressional authority and would be run by unaccountable and unelected Washington bureaucrats. These proposed policy guidelines and processes have the potential to change the permitting criteria and requirements for a large number of economic sectors.” Moreover, Obama’s National Ocean Policy explicitly calls for “pursuing the United States’ accession to the Law of the Sea Convention,” also known as the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). The House adopted Flores’ amendment over Mr. Fitzpatrick’s rejection.   X
12 H.R. 4310: The National Defense Authorization Act   Attacks Bill of Rights
The National Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310) is so sweeping that American citizens accused of being terrorists can be detained by the U.S. military and held indefinitely without habeas corpus and without even being tried and found guilty in a court of law. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) offered an amendment to strike this language from the bill, but the House rejected Smith’s amendment and so did Rep Mike Fitzpatrick.   X

Reference: My Patrick Murphy Open Letter the man he replaced. How much has changed?

Written by federalexpression

July 30, 2012 at 2:07 pm

Posted in People, Uncategorized

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Tom Woods Keynote Address: Nullify Now Philly 2012

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I was able to attend the Nullify Now Conference in Philadelphia on Saturday and I captured the keynote address. It was an excellent conference. I highly recommend future attendance. More resources are available at the Nullify Now website. Enjoy the Speech:

Reference: Thomas Woods Youtube Channel
Reference: Tom Woods Blog

Written by federalexpression

April 1, 2012 at 6:43 pm

The Global Warming Debate of the 19th Century

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Did you know that Global Warming was debated and refuted by Noah Webster at the beginning of the 19th Century? It seems there truly is nothing new under the sun (pun intended)! The full volume available at google books is linked.

When I stumble upon such a fascinating find, I cannot help but share the information. I find this discourse remarkable.

Full Volume on Google Books
: Memoirs of the Arts and Science of the Connecticut Academy Vol 1 Part 1 1810

Written by federalexpression

April 1, 2012 at 3:51 pm

Posted in Issues, People

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Agenda 21: Progress Report in the fight against the UN’s Agenda 21

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In the following video: John F. McManus, President of the John Birch Society Interviews Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center on the progress in the fight against the UN’s Agenda 21

Reference Links:

2012 Progress Reports:
2012 Mar 19: Irving, Texas, Becomes Latest City to Drop ICLEI & UN Agenda 21
2012 Mar 17: Tennessee Lawmakers Pass Resolution Blasting UN Agenda 21
2012 Mar   9 : Ocean County, New Jersey, Blasts UN Agenda 21 in Resolution
2012 Mar   5: Texas City Withdraws From ICLEI, UN “Agenda 21”

2011 Progress Reports
2011 Oct  25:  County in Washington Ditches Sustainable Development
2011 Sep 22:  ICLEI Memberships are Lapsing
2011 Sep     1:  Oklahoma City Leaves ICLEI but Not Agenda 21
2011 Mar 24: Pennsylvania County Rejects Agenda 21
2011 Mar 21:  Edmond Oklahoma Dumps Agenda 21
2011 Mar   3:  Maryland County Cancels Agenda 21 Participation

Written by federalexpression

March 21, 2012 at 12:03 am

Rep Walter Jones Defends the Congress Against A Dictatorship

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According to Leon Panetta and the Obama Administration, the authority for making war resides with NATO or the UN not the Congress and not the Constitution. This is the next logical step in the steady usurpation of war-making powers which has been ongoing since the end of the second world war. Here is the video:

Rep Walter Jones Introduced H Con Res 107 which is short and sweet:

2d Session

H. CON. RES. 107

Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES March 7, 2012 Mr. JONES submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of Congress that the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

Whereas the cornerstone of the Republic is honoring Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring),

    That it is the sense of Congress that, except in response to an actual or imminent attack against the territory of the United States, the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress violates Congress’s exclusive power to declare war under article I, section 8, clause 11 of the Constitution and therefore constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution.

Just to be crystal clear, here is the clause in the constitution referenced:

The Congress shall have the power…
11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water:

It is also important to note that the role of commander-in-chief is a temporary role and is only exercised during war-time as described in Article 2 Section 2 clause 1 of the US Constitution:

1. The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several States, when called into the actual service of the United States;

Leon Panetta is not describing a military called into service of the United States, but rather a military called into service of the United Nations. One has to wonder about the Constitutionality of the US troops fighting UN sanctioned wars even with Congressional consent since there is no authorization for our military to be called into action on behalf of any other power other than the United States. Of course the argument will be made that there is a shared interest which would certainly obscure the issue. Still, our President has no war powers outside of a declaration of war by congress except under well-defined conditions of emergency defense of our country amid attack.

Previous Related Post: https://federalexpression.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/the-rise-of-an-american-dictatorship-for-the-21st-century/

Written by federalexpression

March 9, 2012 at 4:23 am